Perhaps this quote sounds familiar: “Self-confidence is a super power. Once you start to believe in yourself, magic starts happening”. There is a lot of truth to this. Your level of self-confidence plays a large part in how you act, and in the results you get. This is true for all aspects of your life, whether at work, in your sport, or at home.
There are some effective ways to boost your self-confidence. Below are 3 that are easy to build into your daily life.
1. Find a role model with high self-confidence.
We learn how to do things by imitating other people. For example, before you could walk, you were surrounded by others who knew how to walk. You learned mainly by watching them. You tried, and repeated, until you could walk. And the more you tried and repeated, the better you got at it. This is how you learned to walk, and it’s also how you became who you are.
Through years and years of repetition, you developed how you think and act in various situations. And you continue to learn throughout your life. This is true for skills such as riding a bike. It is also true for emotional states such as self- confidence.
You can learn to be self-confident just like you learned how to ride a bike by imitating others. Right now, think of a person who is self-confident in the way you want to be. This can be somebody you know or don’t know personally.
When you see or think of this person, take note of their body language. Notice how they talk and their tone of voice. Observe the way they dress, and how they present themselves. Take notice of everything about them that appears to be confident. Begin to imitate them. Talk in their tone of voice. Use their same body language. Present yourself like they do. You can pick and choose which of their ways you want to make your own. Over time, notice how this improves your self-confidence.
2. Choose self-talk that reflects self-confidence.
The way you talk to yourself has a powerful impact on how you feel and act. Think about that person you chose above. What would that person say to themselves when facing a challenging situation What do you say to yourself in a similar situation? Self-talk is powerful. For example, right now say to yourself with emphasis ‘I cannot do this. It’s just not possible for me’. Say it a few times to yourself, and notice how you feel as a result. Let the feeling really sink in.
Next, say to yourself with emphasis ‘I can do this! This is easy for me to do!’ Say it a few times to yourself, and notice how you feel as a result. Let the feeling really sink in. When you choose words and phrases that reflect how you want to be, the way you feel and act as a result reflect that.
3. Imagine your confident self.
Your imagination is powerful. Right now, recall a pleasant experience from your past. Take in everything about this experience in terms of how you felt, the sights around you, and the sounds around you. You may close your eyes for a few moments to do this. After you open your eyes, notice your state of mind. Is it positive?
You can do the same thing to bring on self-confidence, even if what you imagine is something you pretend is happening. Right now, think of a circumstance where you want to be confident. Put yourself in the situation just like you did when you imagine a past pleasant experience.
These are three easy ways to boost your self-confidence any time. These are also helpful when you have trouble managing emotions.
You may do this on your own. If you want help, find an experienced mental coach or hypnotherapist to guide you through the process.
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Mindset Mental Coaching is located in the Tampa/St. Petersburg FL area. We offer in-person mindset coaching as well as remote for those who live outside of the area.