Are you at the end of your rope with trying to create healthy habits? This could mean changing a negative mindset or a behavior that holds you back.
Are you tired of hearing from people who tell you it’s just a matter of discipline? These thoughts may be familiar to you: “I know what I need to do, I’m just not doing it”, or “How can I manage my anxiety about this”, or “Why do I keep doing that over and over when it only ends up hurting me?”, or “Why can’t I break this habit or mindset?”.
We once had an athlete client say “I know I can do this because I’ve done it countless times in the past, but for some reason I just can’t do it now!”. This type of problem is often referred to as the yips Another common statement we hear is “I know I need to work out more and improve my athletic performance, but I just can’t get myself to do it”. Maybe you just worry and stress, and feel anxious about everything.
You may be like many other people, where you are looking for the confidence to overcome mental bad habits. In other words, you want to become more mentally tough.
Mental toughness is the state of being focused, confident, determined and resilient, especially under pressure. This sounds like the opposite of all those problems I mentioned earlier, right? What are the reasons for these types of problems?
Mental blocks to create healthy habits.
1. Your conscious mind
Your conscious mind is the part of your mind that chooses and decides on how you want to live and do things.
2. Your subconscious mind
Your subconscious mind is the functioning of all your automatic processes. This is the part of your mind that operates based on your beliefs, or belief programs that are networks of beliefs working together.
Fighting the subconscious mind.
Your subconscious mind has much more power over you than your conscious choices. To help you understand, imagine a rider on an elephant. How much power does a rider on an elephant have over the elephant to get the elephant to do what he wants? It all depends on the elephant’s training, right?Therefore, if you want to change something about yourself that isn’t working for you today, you’ve got to re-program your subconscious mind (i.e. re-train the elephant) using technique such as hypnosis and meditation.
What’s the bottom line of these mental blocks?
If you have beliefs or programs that are in opposition to what you want and choose with your conscious mind, your subconscious mind always wins that conflict in the long run until you change the underlying beliefs and programs.
The secret to making lasting change.
The truth is, there is no magic trick or silver bullet that works to create healthy habits overnight. It does not exist despite all the advertising you might have seen. This looks something like: “Lose 10 pounds a week and keep it off forever eating whatever you want.” We use techniques such as mindfulness meditation, hypnosis NLP, sport psychology and mental skills coaching. These methods help you be more mindful and retrain your subconscious mind. With these you can replace unhealthy habits with healthy ones.
Want to make a positive change and create healthy habits? There’s no better time than NOW!
Your Mindset Mental Coach