Sports Hypnosis for Swimmers

How Does Hypnosis Help Athletic Performance?

Have you ever felt frustrated because your athletic performance doesn’t measure up to what you know you are capable of?  At other times do things just flow and fall into place?  Why does it seem impossible to remain consistent?  Learn how hypnosis can help your athletic performance.

Your mind is a wondrous instrument.

Our minds have many facets that determine how we show up in life every day.  These are beliefs, habits, emotional states, self-talk, memories, and more, that create the program that is, quite literally, determining your experience of life.  Unfortunately most people are unaware of what’s happening in their own minds.  They are on auto-pilot, which means that under the surface their inner program is running their lives.  

It may seem that if you know the inner workings of your program, you can alter it to work to your advantage. That is possible, however your program lives and breathes in your subconscious, beyond conscious awareness. Unless you are practiced in accessing your subconscious, you are likely unaware of its existence, let alone able to change it.

Hypnosis helps athletic performance

Why does this matter to athletes? 

Accessing the subconscious mind of an athlete can help to unblock and reprogram perceptions surrounding training, performance, and self-ability. As a result, this helps the athlete achieve the outcome he/she wants. 

Some examples of methods used in hypnosis to improve athletic performance are:

– Experiencing the perfect outcome before it happens in real life
– Creating positive expectation
– Getting into the flow state on command

Hypnosis accesses the subconscious.

To gain access to your subconscious, your conscious mind must first get out of the way.  This happens naturally throughout the day, and at particular times such as when you are just about to drift into sleep. However there are ways to get into a subconscious state intentionally. One of the best ways is through hypnosis  Hypnosis is a subconscious state that can be facilitated by a professional hypnotist.  Self-hypnosis can also work, but it takes skilled practice to make it effective. Some mental skills coaches and sports psychologists incorporate hypnosis into their work to improve the athletes’ performance.

No matter what your sport, hypnosis can help you achieve higher levels of performance. 

This can be done by working with a hypnotist who specializes in sports hypnosis  by listening to hypnosis audio recordings, or by learning self-hypnosis techniques.  You may find your athletic performance reaching a level higher than you ever thought possible!

Want to make a positive change? There’s no better time than NOW!


Your Mindset Mental Coach

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