Feeling holiday stress

Holiday Stress Relief – Four Simple Techniques

Do the holidays make you feel anxious?  You are not alone.  Many people experience holiday stress.  Although this time of year brings family and friends together, it can also be a major source of stress and anxiety.  Your normal routine is thrown off track..  There are usually several parties or gatherings to attend.  You may eat and drink things you don’t normally consume. Perhaps you host events. Add this up and it equals feeling overwhelmed, getting less sleep and experiencing more stress.

Holiday stress relief made simple.

There are some simple things you can try when you feel overwhelmed, tired, or stressed.  These are not time consuming.  Practice them regularly and you may find you better enjoy the holidays.

Recognize signs of stress.

It’s important to first recognize that you are actually feeling stressed.  Also, be sure to rule out anything serious going on. Some typical signs of stress are irritability, moodiness, anxiety, insomnia and headaches.

Set an intention to relieve holiday stress.

Once you determine you are stressed, set your intention to feel better.   This is important because it confirms your commitment to taking action. Once you are committed to making an improvement, you can then do something about it.

Take action.

Below are four simple, effective techniques to help you manage holiday stress.  Make it a practice do at least one of these every day.


Deep Breathing

Deep breathing for holiday stress

Breathing exercises are great for lowering stress levels.  Deep breaths send the message to your nervous system to calm down. Try this now. Take a nice deep breath in, followed by a long exhale. This alone may help you relax more.  Taking four or five breaths like this only takes a few moments, and can be done anytime and anywhere. Ideally do this with your eyes closed to block out the world around you.


Holiday stress meditation

Meditation is the action of focusing the mind on one focal point.  The breath is a great point of focus because it is always available.  Breath counting meditation is a simple technique that anybody can do. 

How to do breath counting meditation:

  1. Be in a comfortable place free of distractions.
  2. Close your eyes.
  3. Take a couple deep breaths to help you relax.
  4. Next, allow your breath to flow naturally without controlling it.
  5. Begin to notice the inhales and exhales as they happen naturally.
  6. After a few moments, with the next exhale, mentally count ‘One’
  7. With the next inhale, mentally count ‘Two’.
  8. On the next exhale, mentally count ‘Three’.
  9. With the next inhale, mentally count ‘Four.
  10. On the next exhale, mentally count ‘Four’.
  11. With the next inhale, mentally count ‘Three’.
  12. On the next exhale, mentally count ‘Two’.
  13. With the next inhale, mentally count ‘One’.
  14. On the next exhale, mentally count ‘One’.
  15. With the next inhale, mentally count ‘Two’.
  16. Continue to count with your breath, one to four, and four back to one
  17. Proceed for 2-3 minutes (or longer if you like).

This meditation method helps you gain mental distance from thinking.  Practice this regularly to feel more relaxed, refreshed, and less affected by external stressors.

Take a Break

Taking a break during the day is a great way to reset your mind.  These simple methods can go a long way in helping to manage holiday stress:
Go for a walk.

Walking for stress relief

Walking, especially in nature, is a great way to relieve holiday stress.  One, it allows you to get away from the busyness of the season.  Two, it provides gentle exercise to help relieve physical stress.  Three, walking is a great way to allow your mind to daydream. This gives you a mental break from thinking about your to-do list. Four, you get an extra bonus if you walk in nature.

Enjoy a coffee or tea break.

Drink tea to relieve stress

Any form of getting away from the holiday hustle and bustle helps to relieve stress and anxiety.  Take time out for yourself with a nice warm cup of coffee or tea. If you are feeling social, invite a friend.  If you need solitude, enjoy your break alone.

Take a bath.

Take a bath to relieve stress

The warm water of a bath relaxes your body.  The timeout relaxes your mind. Indulge yourself occasionally and you will better enjoy the holiday season.


Self hypnosis for stress and anxiety

Hypnosis is a method of accessing and influencing the subconscious mind. Self-hypnosis can be used to help relieve stress and anxiety. To learn self-hypnosis, it’s helpful to first get used to being in a hypnotic state.  Since the meditative state is the same as the hypnotic state, you can use the breath counting meditation explained above. Another option is to do a guided relaxation every day for a week. We have one available. Get our relaxation recording.  

After doing this for a couple of weeks, you will be familiar with getting into this state.  After that, you can add suggestions, or self-talk, that you repeat to yourself a few times.  State these in the positive and present tense. For example, ‘I remain calm when my family and friends visit for the holidays’, ‘I am able to remain relaxed and enjoy the holidays with my family’.  

When repeating these statements, imagine yourself in the situation as though it’s actually happening. Do this every day and you will continue to get better at it.

Deep breathing, taking a break, meditating, and self-hypnosis are all great ways to manage holiday stress. Do one or more of these every day and you will better enjoy the holidays with loved ones.

Want to make a positive change? There’s no better time than NOW!


Your Mindset Mental Coach


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